The biggest news of the day (or decade) is of course the inauguration of our 44th President OBAMA! We took a break from work mid-day to watch the inauguration and I had chills the whole time. What an exciting time to be alive. If 4,000 people could reduce crime in Washington, DC in 1993 through group meditation, think about the effect of millions of people vibrating with hope at the same time and in the same place. What effect will this have across the country?
Now to more trivial matters, like vampire novels and working out at the gym. I'm on to the fifth Sookie Stackhouse novel: Dead as a Doornail.

A nice woman at the gym was reading a book from the Twilight series and I had to let her know I was part of the fanclub. She recommended the Outlander series, which looks to be right up my alley. I'm sick of pretending that I have high brow taste in literature. Sure, I love the classics, but a girl just wants to have fun, you know? Anyway, I will be purchasing The Outlander as soon as I've said goodbye to Sookie. I'm building quite a library.
Tomorrow is our office fasting day:) We'll drink juice until dinner and then have a raw meal! Its nice to hit the reset button.
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