Here is my updated Yoga Teaching Schedule:
7pm-8pm Reisterstown Brick Bodies
7am-8am: Baltimore Yoga Village
9:30am-11am: Baltimore Yoga Village
7:30pm-8:30pm: Padonia Brick Bodies
12pm-1pm: Baltimore Yoga Village
Each time I read this passage, I find something new and helpful. One of my biggest challenges at home is making time to meditate, which is one of the most integral parts of living a healthy life (in my opinion). We sat for meditation four times during the weekend and I realize how restless and cloudy my mind is at the moment. I promise to meditate at least 30 minutes a day, even if it is 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night. I want to find my quiet mind.
Lead a well-regulated life respecting the natural rhythms as much as possible.
Adapt, Adjust, Accomodate.
Live in the present.
Allow sudden changes to arise in your life.
Do not look for perfection in life. Perfection lies in stillness of one's own mind.
What really matters is not what happens but how we react to it.
Under stress most people loose their balance and their routine. We let things 'fall apart'.
Try to stick to your minimum routine.
Sit down and sort out any changes you could make to help you. Then make them NOW!
Do not waste your life speculating about others in ways that are not to your mutual advantage.
Purge your mind of all aimless and idle thoughts, especially those dealing with affairs of others or wishing them ill.
Become a staunch believer in self-reliance and self-effort.
You are affected by things only in accordance with your idea about them.
The minds sees value in that in which it has intense faith.
Exploring alternative health, raw food, juicing, detoxing, yoga, spirituality, manifesting, veganism, environmentalism, and all that Baltimore (and Woodstock) has to offer...and trying to make a positive change in this world in any way that I can.