I teach and practice Sivananda Traditional Hatha Yoga and I love it. I also think there is something to be said about exploring other styles of yoga. I've been spending a great deal of time on Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Life Forum, which inspired me to purchase a Jivamukti DVD (I also purchased the newly released Crazy Sexy Cancer documentary and I can't wait to watch it in its entirety when it arrives in the mail!).
I think its important to watch a yoga DVD before you physically engage in the practice, so that was my first step. Thursday morning, I did the entire practice and it was quite enjoyable. I could tell that I was using different muscles because when I was in the Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) my legs were shaking! It felt good to challenge myself. Based on my limited experience, I would say that Jivamukti is a mixture of Vinyasa and Traditional Hatha. The meditation and relaxation in the end provided a well rounded practice, although I would have liked some breathing exercises as well. The Traditional Indian music provided an enjoyable atmosphere for the practice. I found the verbal instruction to be helpful and complementary to the experience.
This weekend, I'll be visiting Flow Yoga Center in Washington, DC to take a Jivamukti class. I'll let you know how it goes. Anyone have yoga DVD recommendations?
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