I've been a little worried about my juicing habits lately because my urge to juice was dwindling. Even this morning (after two days without juice) I was questioning whether I could keep this up. After doing a full yoga practice, it was back. I went downstairs and juiced away! The picture to the left is what I started with.
I was curious about which nutrients I was benefiting from in this juice, so here the analysis I came up with, using
The Complete Book of Juicing by Michael T. Murray. I listed the key benefits of each vegetable, fruit, and root.
Celery:- Potasium
- Sodium (electrolyte replacer)
- Coumarins (increases activity of certain white blood cells, tone vascular system, lower blood pressure)
Carrot:- Highest vegetable source of provitamin A carotenes
- Skin contains Silica (strengthens connective tissues, i.e. muscles, tendons, and ligaments)
- Excellent Carminative (promotes elimination of intestinal gases)
- Anti-inflammatory
- Rich in Vitamin C and Potassium
- Contains Limonine (promising anti-cancer properties)
- Pectin (improves the intestinal muscle's ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract)
- Ellagic, chlorogenic, and caffeic acids (anutrients with significant anticancer properties)
And here is the result of those veggies and fruits plowing through my Breville juicer:

I am going crazy trying to figure out where to buy produce and which produce to buy. Until yesterday I thought that any produce bought at Whole Foods was organic. Not true! Anything marked "Conventional" is not organic. Bummer.
Also, I wonder about the integrity of companies like Nature's Promise. Nature's Promise is easy to find at the cheaper, chain grocery stores in Baltimore: Giant and Super Fresh, but how great are these fruits and vegetables really?
I am excited that Kris Carr has brought up the idea of a book club in
her blog. I am interested in reading, Michael's Pollen's book,
In the Defense of Food and it would be nice to share the experience with her community.
I am working on a fiction novel at the moment, but my interest in writing a creative non-fiction novel is increasing as I become more inspired by my pursuits in alternative health and wellness. Also, I feel inspired each day by information coming from blogs and books that I am drawn to make a contribution as well. Its like the idea is at the tip of my tongue, but it hasn't come to fruition yet. I am going to have faith that it will come in its own time and I just have to keep on this path. With that thought in mind, I should get back to other writing projects. Peace and love:)