Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ups and Downs...

I've been journaling my mood/food journey over the past six days. Its pretty eye opening. I lost count of the number of jelly beans and chips I consumed at our bbq yesterday. At least I resisted the ice cream sandwiches and wasn't easy, but I'm dedicated to staying vegan:) I got back on track today, but I am feeling tired and a little frustrated with my attachment to food. I feel full, but still unsatisfied.

On a lighter note, my hubby and I had a wonderful afternoon. We went for a walk at 10am, not knowing where we were going. We ended up at One World Cafe for brunch (carrot-spinach-ginger-apple juice and vegan pancakes!). Then we wandered through the John Hopkins University campus and ended up at Baltimore Museum of Art. Here is a picture of Steve in the Modern Art Exhibit:

1 comment:

Carrie Nicole said...

You said it... ups and downs... sometimes it feels like that's all there is! My progress has been VERY slow but health wise I'm seeing some amazing benefits in a short time when I stick to it.

For me it's really figuring out how to not let one bbq, or one social event throw me for a complete loop. I'm working on it! And see that you are too and you're doing great!