I've been accepted into the
Green Valley Sivananda Yoga Farm Teacher Training course! The course takes place October 3-November 6. It's a little scary, but I'm following my heart and I've taken precautions to cushion me when I arrive home in November.
I've posted a few pictures of the ashram. Since I've figured how to post pictures, I'm going to go back to past entries and add some nice photos.
Here is the typical day in teacher training at the yoga farm:
TTC Daily Schedule
5:30am | Wake-up Bell |
6:00am | Satsang (meditation, chanting, lecture) |
8:00am | Asana & Pranayama Class |
10:00am | Vegetarian Brunch |
11:00am | Karma Yoga (helping in the ashram) |
12:00pm | Chanting or Bhagavad Gita Class |
2:00pm | Main Lecture |
4:00pm | Asana & Pranayama (Teaching Techniques) |
6:00pm | Vegetarian Dinner |
8:00pm | Satsang (meditation, chanting, lecture) |
"The regular and intense schedule will help you to develop the self-discipline necessary for you to practice on your own in the future. The schedule is for 6 days of the week – you get one day off for resting, studying, etc." (http://www.yogafarm.org/ttc/ttcdailyschedule.htm)

Here is a photo of the cabin I'll be staying in (or one like this) with three other students. I am told that there is a bath house nearby. Below is a picture of the Krishna temple by the pond.
I feel peaceful just by looking at the photos. In the meantime, I have been working on my asanas everyday. I am determined to do a headstand as soon as humanly possible. My fiance has been helping me practice every day at home. I hope that by the time my teachers get back from the ashram in Quebec, I'll be able to do one on my own!

I hope to get involved with Baltimore Yoga Village's non profit project once I have completed my teacher training. BYV's webpage explains:
Baltimore Yoga for Youth is a project of a non-profit organization, Fusion Partnerships. In 2006, Anjali Teotia, owner of Baltimore Yoga Village, began the Baltimore Yoga for Youth program, in order to introduce a series of Hatha yoga workshops for inner city school students and teachers as tools for developing inner calmness, mental clarity, and much needed stress relief." (